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How To Maximise Sales For New Product Launches

newsletter Aug 10, 2023
How To Maximise Sales For New Product Launches

Introducing new products is one of the best ways of getting repeat orders from your customers.

These can either be brand-new products or, most likely, new scents, such as when you introduce a new season or have a limited edition product for a particular holiday or event.

This is so important because getting repeat orders from existing customers is much easier and cheaper than trying to get new customers. Plus, it increases the average customer lifetime value (CLV) and therefore increases loyalty and, in turn, the chances of them placing more orders in the future.

What’s vital is not introducing so many products you find challenging to manage. They don’t have to be permanent products; limited edition products available for a very short time work well.

Over the years, we’ve launched hundreds of new products and scents. During this time, we have perfected our launch day campaigns to ensure we sell out (or very nearly) every time, boosting sales and profit.

I’m going to briefly show you how to do this.

Campaign basics

The first thing you want to do is decide on a date when you’re launching the product and how many products you will launch. This must be set in stone, as you’ll communicate this information to your customers in the lead-up.

Building up hype

Sharing behind-the-scenes pictures and videos of the products in production works well in building hype.

But what’s key is we don’t reveal what the products are.

You want to build excitement and anticipation by letting your audience know when this new product is launching but asking them to guess what they think it is. Give clues to help them along the way.

This helps to build hype around your launch, but the more engagement your posts get, the more people see them.

I’d recommend building hype around 5 days before you launch - you don’t want it to start too far in advance, as the excitement might dwindle.

Email warm-up campaign

What works best for us is sending an email campaign 2 days before your launch just letting people know about your upcoming launch.

In this email, you’ll include full product details, including when it launches and how many you have available.

It’s important to let people know you have a limited amount in stock - even if it’s a permanent product, let people know that the first batch is a short stock run.

This encourages people to place orders immediately to avoid missing out.

Launch day

The moment your product goes live, send out an email to everyone, letting them know.

Also, send out an SMS campaign if you have a database of people signed up for SMS (this works very well).

Then throughout the day, post on all social media channels to let people know it’s available - you also need to post on stories throughout the day too.

The next day

Now this is a brilliant thing to do.

The following day, send out your launch day email campaign again. This time exclude people who opened your email from the previous day.

Email campaigns have a low (40%-50%) open rate, so chances are most of your email database didn’t see your launch day email campaign, so it’s always a good idea to send it again to those who didn’t open it.

Bonus tip

If you have an extensive product launch, such as a seasonal collection, then a week before your launch, create a Facebook event and invite all your customers to join it.

When you post in a Facebook event, all of the event members will stand a much better chance of seeing the post than if you posted it on your Facebook page.

That’s it; this is what we’ve learnt over the past 5 years of launching hundreds of products; this works for us.

Please give it a go on your next campaign, and let me know how it goes.

Thank you for reading.

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