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SEO Tips To Boost Your Website

newsletter Feb 16, 2024
SEO Tips

Today, in 5 minutes or less, you'll learn...

  • What is SEO
  • How you can lay strong foundations
  • What you can do to boost rankings

No doubt, at some point, you have wondered how you can make your website be found in Google amongst the sea of competition.

What is SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is like giving your website a superpower to be easily found and loved by search engines like Google.

It's a set of friendly strategies and tweaks you do to make sure that when someone looks for something related to your website, it pops up in the search results.

So, if you're selling amazing scented candles, SEO helps your website shine brightly when people type in "best scented candles" online. It's like being the friendliest guide for search engines, making sure they understand and appreciate the awesome content you have to offer, so you can be the top pick for anyone searching for what you provide!

How to lay strong foundations

When you're building your website, or before you start work on SEO there are things you can put in place to ensure you're working from the best foundations.

Putting lots of effort into your SEO isn't going to generate the results you want if your website is poorly built and managed.

  1. 96% of internet users access the internet on their phone. This means you should make sure your website looks and works as well as it can on mobile phones BEFORE you make it look lovely on a computer.
  2. One of the main factors which can boost or destroy your SEO efforts is your website speed. Run a test here and see what it says. To make your website faster you can decrease the file size of your images to 100-200kb, this tool will help you do that.
  3. You need to create unique product descriptions. So many people copy and past scent descriptions from supplier websites. This is going to harm your website. Google sees this as duplicate content and can not rank your website at all. Take time to create unique product descriptions to avoid this.

Put these in place and you'll already be ahead of the majority if your competitors

How to boost rankings

In order to boost your rankings, you first need to understand your current position and the keywords you need to target.

We use a tool called Uberuggest which tracks our keywords against our competition and gives us recommended keywords to focus on.

The main ways to help boost your search rankings is to:

  1. Create content around a keyword. So, if you wanted to rank higher for 'the best scented candles' then create an in-depth article all around this subject which offers true value to your audience - it could be a comparison article. Make sure the keyword is in the title, some headings and throughout the main content. Then link to this article from other pages on your website and vice versa.
  2. Another key way of increasing rankings is to get other popular websites to link to you. This is hard to achieve, but you want to reach out to complimenting website (blogs about home fragrances or interiors) and ask to write an article for them, which would link to your website. The more of this you can do the better.

There's a lot more to it than this, as this is just a very high level of what you need to do, but it gives you an idea of what's required to get you started.

When you're ready, this is how we can help you...

If you're looking to launch or grow a business, we share 6 years of knowledge in building a 7-figure home fragrance business, proven methods, and actionable strategies. The HFA membership sets the stage for a new era of lean, focused, and profitable businesses.

Click to join hundreds of other happy members.

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