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What is Your USP?

Aug 18, 2023

When we first started Cosy Aromas there wasn’t a huge amount of competition out there. However, throughout my career in marketing and building brands for my clients I knew the importance of a USP and therefore knew we had to be as unique as we could.

One thing we saw was all of our competitors all had the same size wax melts and they all looked the same too.

So, we decided to hit the market with 110g wax melts which were more than double the size of most of our competitors at the time.

This really helped us to stand out as customers knew they could get good value for their money as each wax melt was gram-for-gram less expensive than elsewhere and they lasted longer too.

This USP was a big factor in our growth and success.

What is a USP?

A USP, or Unique Selling Proposition, is a marketing concept that highlights the distinctive and compelling qualities or benefits of a product, service, or brand that set it apart from its competitors. It's a key element of a company's marketing strategy and is designed to communicate why a customer should choose their offering over similar alternatives in the market.

The USP typically focuses on a specific attribute, feature, or benefit that resonates with the target audience and addresses a specific need or problem they have. This unique aspect can be based on various factors such as product quality, innovation, price, convenience, customer service, or any other characteristic that gives the product an edge.

Why is this important?

It’s safe to say the home fragrance industry is a very competitive and over-saturated market, right? Why is this? It’s because it’s so easy to get into, anyone can launch a business from home for very little money.

But, so many of these businesses all look the same, have the same scents, and compete on being the cheapest to try and get sales.

You want to stay as far away from that as you can - we do, and it works.

The reason why a USP is so important is because it helps you stand out from all the other companies which look the same, it gives you a competitive edge because you’re different and people will want to try your products.

If you don’t have a compelling USP then you should look to create one, then tell the world about it.

Examples of a USP

For the home fragrance industry you could:

  • Introduce unique scents which no one else has - or rename them different to everyone else.
  • Focus on supporting charities.
  • Be eco-friendly and give back to the environment.
  • Be disruptive by introducing a range of ‘sweary’ wax melts.
  • Focus on personalisation and personalise each label

There are lots of ways you can be unique, you just need to think about what might work for you and your business, implement it and then use what you’ve learnt from me previously to market the hell out of your business to get as many people looking at it as possible!

When implement and marketed correctly, you will notice more people talking about your brand over others, because you’re so different. It will help you get more orders and give you a better chance of being picked up by influencers.

Introducing the HFA Growth Hub

I wanted to let you know that, after 2 months of hard work, we have now finished our website. You can now sign up to become a HFA Growth Hub member which is an annual membership.

  • You’ll have access to all of the courses we ever create (2 so far and more being worked on).
  • You’ll be able to access all of the downloadable resources we ever create.
  • You’ll have a membership support area where you can privately chat through ideas and get help from other HFA members (through our website not a FB group).
  • But the most valuable part is you’ll get unlimited 1-2-1 coaching from myself and Tamar, we’re here to support you as best we can.

You can view our website and become a member here.

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